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Stress has become an inevitable part of modern life. Its intensity has brought in a compulsion to manage it right so that it does not cause any harm to our overall well-being. According to the American Institute of Stress, more than 70% of people regularly experience physical symptoms, and more than 71% of people experience psychological symptoms because of acute stress.

Fortunately, there are various effective stress relief techniques recommended by the best psychologist in coimbatore at Karpagam Hospital that help individuals cope with stress levels. Read further to promote better mental and emotional health.

Understanding Stress and Its Impact:

It is important to understand what stress is and how it can affect the body and mind.

Stress is a natural response of the body. It happens when the body perceives threats and challenges. It releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Acute stress is beneficial in certain situations such as to escape from a dangerous circumstance. However, chronic stress can have harmful effects on physical and mental health.

It can slowly lead to conditions like anxiety, depression and heart disease. Research reports from the National Institute of Mental Health indicate that chronic stress can lead to the development of serious health problems like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Stress Management Techniques

Mindfulness and Meditation

These two are very powerful tools for reducing stress. These practices demand focused attention on the present moment without any judgement. This will help the individuals to attain calmness and inner peace.

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, mindfulness-based stress reduction programs can significantly reduce stress and improve relaxation. Thus, involving mindfulness and meditation in daily routines just for a few minutes a day has wonderful effects on overall well-being.

Engage in Regular Physical Activity:

Engaging in regular physical activity can improve mental well-being. Exercise helps to release endorphins, neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators help reduce stress and promote a sense of happiness.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, regular exercise can decrease tension, stabilise mood, improve sleep and boost self-esteem. Exercise can be a brisk walk, practising yoga or hitting the gym. You can engage in any of these activities that you enjoy and it is part of your daily routine.

Practise Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:

Calming the mind and the body in times of stress is very important. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques are effective tools. Deep breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing, belly breathing, double inhalation and excavation, and exaggerated breathing can activate the body’s relaxation response.

This will reduce the heart rate and the blood pressure. Other techniques like muscle relaxation, guided imagery and visualisation can help relieve stress and promote relaxation. According to the American Psychological Association, stress management techniques reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. indulging in the techniques on a daily basis, especially during stressful situations, can restore a sense of balance and calm.

Seek Professional Support and Guidance:

At certain times managing stress may require professional support and guidance. Health professionals like therapists, councillors or psychiatrists can provide valuable tools and strategies for coping with stress. They help in addressing the underlying issues that contribute to stress. You can visit top 10 hospitals in coimbatore to access professional assistance. They are affordable and provide quality service.

Many evidence-based therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and mindfulness-based test reduction can be highly effective and help individuals to develop healthy mechanisms to eliminate stress. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, more than 15% of adults experience one or the other mental illness every year. This highlights the importance of professional help whenever needed.

Prioritise Self-Care and Healthy Lifestyle Habits:

Self-care is important for managing stress. Investing time for oneself and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can be nurturing and meaningful to live life. Some of the activities include,

  • Having a skincare routine
  • Experimenting with new fashion styles
  • Nurturing healthy social relationships
  • Treating one cell with good food
  • Gifting dresses gadgets and anything for oneself

One should also adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Getting an adequate amount of sleep, sticking to a balanced diet and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine can help support resilience against stress. According to the National Sleep Foundation, lack of good sleep can increase stress eventually leading to the development of mental health problems like anxiety and depression.


On the whole, effective stress management techniques are a crucial need for maintaining overall health and well-being in today’s hectic lifestyle. Investing in mindfulness and meditation by regularly indulging in physical activity, practising deep breathing and relaxation techniques, prioritising self-care and healthy life cell habits and seeking professionals such as best psychiatrist doctor in coimbatore when needed can help individuals effectively cope with stress. Also, it is important to understand that managing stress is a journey and not a one-time job. So, one can take enough time to experiment with techniques and strategies and find out which works best for you. By taking proper steps one can lead a happier, healthy and more fulfilling life.