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As many of you might already know, people adopt different approaches to help prevent pregnancy, with condoms and birth control pills being some of the most widely used birth control methods. 

In this blog let’s discuss the various birth control approaches and how to choose the ideal technique that fits your lifestyle.

How effective are birth control methods?

The efficacy of different birth control approaches varies depending on how they are used. Most contraceptives do not yield the desired results when you fail to comply with the instructions or due to a fault in the technique or the device that you use.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants are a few birth control methods that are easy to use and lower your chances of getting pregnant. It would be best to consider these approaches, after consultation with the best lady Gynaecologist in Coimbatore, because the chances of you making a mistake while using them, are minimal.

Do you know? The effectiveness of birth control approaches that are designed for use closer to the moment of intercourse, like condoms and diaphragms, is typically lower than other contraceptive methods like IUDs, implants and birth control pills.

In case you forget to use birth control or if the technique you employed did not function as expected you can use emergency contraceptive methods to lower your chances of getting pregnant within five days following intercourse.

What factors should you consider while choosing the best birth control method that is apt for you?

There are wide-ranging approaches related to birth control available in the market, making it difficult for you to identify what might work for you. It’s often best to choose one that supports continual usage, is suitable for you and your partner and does not cause any negative effects in the long run.

Other factors that you need to also consider while choosing a suitable birth control technique are:

  • How effective is the technique with respect to birth control?
  • Is it convenient for you to use it continuously and will you be able to remember to use it?
  • Does it require to be used on a daily basis?
  • Can you get pregnant once you stop using it?
  • Will the approach lead to irregular bleeding during your menstrual cycle?
  • What are the potential complications or negative effects of using different contraceptive methods?
  • Is the contraceptive method you are interested in within your budget?
  • Does the method you choose offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases?
  • Will it be possible for you to discontinue if you so decide?

How easy it’s for you to get contraceptives? While some contraceptives are accessible off the shelf, for certain contraceptives it’s crucial for you to consult the lady Gynaecologists.

There is no ideal birth control technique and you must choose an approach by considering its pros and cons and ensure it is suitable for your long-term consistent usage.

Let’s look at the different birth control methods that are in practice currently:

Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs): IUDs are positioned inside your uterus through the vagina and cervix by your gynaecologist at pregnancy hospitals. The IUDs have evolved with technological developments in the medical domain and those available in the market are safe and ideal for you to use continually. The different types of IUDs are as follows:

Copper-containing IUD: This small T-shaped IUD device consists of copper is effective for at least 10 years and   The Copper-containing IUD remains effective for a minimum of 10 years and allows you to remove the device based on your needs.

This type of IUD does not contain any hormones and the negative aspect is that some women experience heavier or longer bleeding during their menstrual cycle while using a copper IUD.

Levonorgestrel-releasing IUD: This IUD device available in different sizes and dosages, releases levonorgestrel hormone which helps thicken the cervical mucus and thins the endometrium, the thin layer that lines the uterus.

On top of that, it lessens your bleeding and minimizes any pain you might experience during your menstrual cycle. These hormone-containing IUDs can stay positioned inside your uterus for a three-to-eight-year period depending on the type of IUD device you choose. They are highly effective and few women might not experience menstrual cycles while using this device, this effect ceases on removing the IUD.

Birth control implant: A single-rod progestin implant, is positioned into your arm, by your gynaecologist at the best multi-speciality hospital in Coimbatore This device is highly effective in preventing pregnancy for a minimum of three years, this is possible as the hormone released from the implant is slowly absorbed into your body.

You can start experiencing its impact seven days after it’s and the device can be removed whenever you desire. The negative aspect is that women experience irregular bleeding while using this implant.

Birth control pills: The pill is a blend of two female hormones and is highly effective when taken correctly. In case you miss taking the pill then you can use emergency contraction or alternative birth control methods to be on the safer side and lower your chances of getting pregnant.

When you begin taking birth control pills you can experience nausea, breast tenderness, bloating, and mood changes for the initial two to three months. Besides irregular vaginal spotting or bleeding, you can also experience irregular bleeding when you forget to take the pill.

In addition to the above, other birth control methods include injectable birth control, progestin-only pills, skin patches and vaginal rings among implanted in your body many others. Besides temporary birth control approaches, you can also opt for permanent birth control procedures like tubal ligation or vasectomy to avoid pregnancy, these are surgical procedures performed by experienced gynaecologists or ob-gyn’s.

With each approach having its own risks and side effects, it’s always best to discuss with your gynaecologist at the best pregnancy hospital in Coimbatore before you decide to choose a technique suitable for your lifestyle and health condition.