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Breathing is something most of us do instinctively—until it becomes labored. Several lung diseases can inhibit the ease with which we inhale air and significantly affect day-to-day living. Being aware of common lung diseases, and best multispeciality hospitals in Coimbatore, with some strategies about how to approach dealing with these diseases, may empower you to seek appropriate care and maintain good quality in life.

1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a condition whereby there is damage to the airways or other parts of the lung, blocking airflow and making it hard to breathe.


1. Persistent cough with mucus

2. Shortness of breath, especially during physical activity

3. Wheezing

4. Frequent respiratory infections


1. Quit smoking-most important. Know about nicotine replacement therapies, prescription medications that can help you quit smoking, as well as counseling and support groups.

2. Medications: Inhalers of bronchodilators and corticosteroids decrease inflammation and dilate air passages.

3. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a medically supervised, structured program of exercise training, education, and counseling.

4. Oxygen Therapy : Supplementary oxygen therapy is necessary for people who suffer from COPD.

2. Asthma

Overview :

Asthma is a chronic condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways that manifests as difficulty in breathing. Allergens, respiratory infections, exercise, and changes in weather are its common causes.


1. Wheezing

2. Shortness of breath

3. Chest tightness

4. Coughing, especially at night or early morning


1. Avoiding Triggers: Identify and decrease, as far as possible, the exposure to potential allergens or irritants such as pollen, dust mites, or smoke.

2. Medications: Inhaled corticosteroids can be taken to reduce inflammation, while long-acting beta agonists help relax the muscles around airways. Quick-relief inhalers, otherwise known as rescue inhalers, may provide relief from acute symptoms.

3. Monitoring: Monitor symptoms and peak flow measurements for the assessment of control of asthma, and medications are adjusted appropriately.

3. Pulmonary Fibrosis


Pulmonary fibrosis is scarring of the tissue of the lungs, causing them to stiffen and, in turn, reducing their efficiency. The cause is usually unknown but may be linked to autoimmune diseases, environmental exposures, or certain medications.


1. Shortness of breath

2. Dry, persistent cough

3. Fatigue

4. Unexplained weight loss


1. Medical Interventions: Corticosteroids and other immunosuppressants can help in the alleviation of symptoms and retardation of disease course.

2. Oxygen Therapy: This is to ensure that the blood has an adequate amount of oxygen.

3. Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Similar to COPD, this can help in quality-of-life improvements by exercising and getting an education.

4. Lung Transplant: In severe cases, a lung transplant may be considered.

4. Cystic Fibrosis (CF)


CF is a genetic disorder that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs and digestive tract. The mucus produces chronic lung infection and progressive lung damage.


1. Persistent cough with thick mucus

2. Frequent lung infections

3. Shortness of breath

4. Digestive issues


1. Medications : It includes antibiotics to treat infections, mucolytics to thin mucus, and bronchodilators to open airways.

2. Chest Physiotherapy: Chest percussion or vibrating vests—techniques to aid in the expectoration of mucus from the lungs.

3. Enzyme Supplements: These help digestion and absorption of nutrients.

4. Nutritional Support: High-calorie and high-protein diets are recommended because of the development of increased energy needs and malabsorption.

5. Lung Cancer


One of the serious diseases of the lung is lung cancer, which is mostly diagnosed at a later stage of development since it causes very subtle symptoms. It majorly results from smoking, though there is a proportion of non-smokers who develop lung cancer.


1. Persistent cough

2. Blood in sputum

3. Chest pain

4. Unexplained weight loss

5. Fatigue


1. Surgery: For early-stage lung cancer, surgical removal of the tumor may be an option.

2. Radiation Therapy: Targets cancer cells with high-energy rays.

3. Chemotherapy: Uses drugs to kill cancer cells, often used when the cancer has spread.

4. Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy: These newer treatments focus on specific aspects of cancer cells or enhance the immune system’s ability to fight cancer.

General Strategies for Lung Health

1. Avoid Smoking and Secondhand Smoke: Smoking is the leading cause of many lung diseases. Avoiding tobacco and reducing exposure to smoke is essential for lung health.

2. Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals supports overall lung health.

3. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity helps improve lung capacity and overall respiratory function.

4. Regular Check-ups: Regular visits to a healthcare provider can help detect and manage lung issues early.


Any person with breathing difficulty has to know about lung diseases and their management. While conditions are variable and all have issues of their own, many effective treatments are available in Best Pulmonology Hospital in Coimbatore and lifestyle modifications do exist that can greatly improve the quality of life. If you or someone you love is suffering from shortness of breath due to any trouble in lungs, then medical advice by a doctor is necessary to get the right diagnosis and start the right management. With the right kind of approach, symptoms can be managed and a satisfying life can be spent.