The rainy season is here. While it gives a relief for hot sunny days, it also brings some unwelcomed guests – Mosquitoes. With an increase in stagnant water, mosquitoes multiply in plenty, which increases the risk of dengue fever. Dengue is a virus that can strike without warning. But, don’t worry.
You can prevent serious consequences and manage the disease more efficiently if you recognize the warning signals early. This blog covers the 7 warning signs of dengue fever which helps you to detect the fever early.
What Causes Dengue Fever
Aedes mosquitoes are the transmitters of the virus which can spread the disease when an infected person gets infected by one of these mosquitoes. The virus can produce fever and rashes, as well as more serious complications such as hemorrhagic fever or organ failure. It can appear anywhere but it is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical locations, particularly during the rainy season when mosquito activity is at its highest.
Since dengue can be mild for some people and severe for others, it’s critical to recognize the signs early. If you are wondering what are the symptoms of dengue, continue reading to know about it.
7 Warning Signs of Dengue Fever
High Fever: Sudden and Intense
A sudden, high fever is one of the initial symptoms of dengue. The fever which frequently reaches temperatures as high as 104°F, might strike suddenly. This fever usually lasts two to seven days and you may have chills or intense heat. Dengue may be the cause if you suddenly feel feverish and are unable to lower your temperature.
Severe Headaches and Pain Behind the Eyes
A strong headache is one of the main signs of dengue. But this doesn’t occur as any ordinary headache. It will be a pounding, throbbing headache that frequently concentrates behind the eyes. Your head may feel like it’s being squeezed and a typical pain reliever won’t make it go away. Additionally, you may become sensitive to light which exacerbates the pain.
Muscle and Joint Pain
Dengue fever is often known as “breakbone fever” due to the severe joint and muscular agony it produces. It’s more than just muscular discomfort. It can cause generalized body aches. Joints, muscles, and bones, particularly in the lower back and limbs, may feel sore and stiff. Moving around may become difficult due to this pain, which could continue for several days.
Skin Rashes
Dengue frequently causes rashes which typically show up three to four days after the fever begins. These rashes typically begin as tiny, red spots on the face or limbs and can spread to other parts of the body. As the rash grows, its appearance may change. So if you detect any strange patches or redness it could be an indication of dengue.
Weakness and Fatigue
Feeling extremely exhausted is one of the most obvious signs of dengue. Even after having a good sound sleep last night, you may feel weak or unable to move from your bed. This may last for days or weeks after other symptoms disappear yet leaving you feeling exhausted.
Nausea, Vomiting, and Loss of Appetite
Nausea, vomiting, and appetite loss are common symptoms of dengue. It’s crucial to continue drinking water throughout this period because it may make you feel even weaker and dehydrated.
Mild Symptoms of Bleeding
Some dengue patients may experience slight bleeding symptoms in more severe cases. This can involve bleeding from the nose or gums. It occurs because the dengue virus can impact your platelets which are in charge of forming blood clots. Be cautious to get medical help right away if you spot any odd bleeding or bruises.
When to Seek Medical Attention?
Now that you are aware of thedengue warning signs, the next issue is: when should you get medical help? It’s wise to see a doctor if you experience any of the symptoms listed above.
However, there are some indicators that it’s time for urgent care:
Severe irritation or pain in the abdomen: This may indicate more serious issues, such as internal hemorrhage.
Breathing difficulties: Get to a hospital immediately if you have chest pain or difficulty breathing.
Constant vomiting: Dehydration can be dangerous if you are unable to stop vomiting and maintain losing fluids.
Unexpected weakness or anxiety: If you experience lightheadedness, it could be a sign that the infection has advanced to a more serious stage.
How to Protect Yourself?
While early detection is essential, preventing dengue in the first place is the most effective defense. Here are some ways to repel mosquitoes and lower your chances of getting an infection:
Use mosquito repellent: Apply repellent to your exposed skin in the mornings and evenings where mosquitoes are most active.
Use protective clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts and slacks to avoid mosquito bites.
Get rid of standing water: Water from buckets and old tires near your house should be emptied since mosquitoes thrive in stagnant water.
Using a mosquito net: If you are sleeping in a high-risk area, it is best to use a mosquito net while sleeping.
Dengue can feel like an unexpected disease that can become life-threatening. But with early symptoms and precautions, you can recover from it. Don’t hesitate to consult a specialist in one of the top hospitals in Coimbatore if you notice any of the symptoms listed above. Because early detection can make a huge difference in your treatment.
The information provided in this blog post is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.