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Understanding the Different Types of Infertility: Causes and Treatment at Karpagam Hospital

Infertility can seem like an impossible obstacle, but knowing its types, causes, and treatments can transform that obstacle into an opportunity. At Karpagam Hospital known as the best infertility hospital in Coimbatore, we explore the complex world of infertility to provide hope and answers. Let’s uncover the secrets of infertility and see how our team at Karpagam Hospital tackles it with cutting-edge treatments and caring support.

Types of Infertility: Revealing the Complexities

Infertility isn’t a universal diagnosis. It covers a range of conditions that affect both men and women. To handle this challenge, you need to grasp the various types of infertility and what causes them.

1. Primary vs. Secondary Infertility

Infertility falls into two main groups: primary and secondary:

  • Primary Infertility: This type happens when a couple can’t get pregnant after trying for a year without birth control. Many things can cause this, like hormone problems, issues with egg release, or physical differences in the body.
  • Secondary Infertility: This type affects people who have had a baby before but now have trouble getting pregnant again. It can stem from problems that started after earlier pregnancies such as changes in the womb or shifts in reproductive health.

2. Male vs. Female Infertility

Infertility isn’t just a woman’s issue; it can affect either partner:

  • Male Infertility: Low sperm count, poor sperm movement, or strange sperm shape often link to this. How a man lives, his genes, or health problems like diabetes can make it hard for him to have kids.
  • Female Infertility: Many things can cause this, like problems with egg release, blocked tubes, or uterus issues. A woman’s age, hormone levels, and health problems like endometriosis can affect her chance to have a baby.

Causes of Infertility: Why It’s Hard to Have a Baby

To treat infertility well, we need to know what causes it. Here are some common reasons:

1. Hormone Problems

Hormone imbalances can stop ovulation in women and have an impact on sperm production in men. Problems like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid issues often cause these imbalances.

2. Structural Issues

Blockages or odd shapes in reproductive organs can make it hard to conceive. Women might have blocked fallopian tubes or uterine fibroids. Men might have blockages in their reproductive tract.

3. Lifestyle Factors

Today’s lifestyles can affect fertility a lot. Stress bad eating habits too much alcohol, and smoking can all make it harder to get pregnant. Both partners should try to live healthier to boost their chances of having a baby.

4. Age-Related Factors

Age has an impact on fertility. Women’s fertility declines as they get older because their eggs decrease in quality and number. Men’s fertility also reduces with age.

Treatment Options: How to Become a Parent

At Karpagam Hospital, we provide many treatments designed for each specific case. As Coimbatore’s top fertility clinic, we use the latest technology and a complete approach to help you become a parent.

1. Medicine and Hormone Treatment

For problems like hormone imbalances or ovulation issues, medicines and hormone treatments can help ovulation and boost fertility.

2. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

ART involves different methods like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). These cutting-edge Urology specialist in Coimbatore at Karpagam Hospital techniques fertilize eggs outside the body and transfer the embryos to the uterus.

3. Surgical Interventions

When doctors find structural problems, surgery might be needed to fix blockages or abnormalities. This could mean laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, based on the specific issue.

4. Lifestyle and Dietary Changes

Our team also stresses how important it is to change lifestyle and diet. Healthy living, eating well, and handling stress can make a big difference in fertility results.

Why Choose Karpagam Hospital?

Picking the right place matters when you’re dealing with infertility treatment. Karpagam Hospital known as the best hospital in Coimbatore and a top multispeciality hospital in Coimbatore gives you:

  • Know-how and Practice: Our experts have lots of training and practice in handling different infertility problems.
  • Cutting-Edge Tools: We apply the newest tools and methods to get the best results.
  • All-Round Care: From finding out what’s wrong to treating it, we take care of everything looking after both your body and your feelings about infertility.

At Karpagam Hospital, we know infertility brings personal and emotional challenges. Our team offers caring support and custom treatment plans to help you become a parent. 

Want to Begin Your Journey?

If infertility issues trouble you, Karpagam Hospital can guide you with our know-how and backing. As Coimbatore’s top infertility hospital, we stand by you at each stage.

To learn more or book a visit, reach out to us now. Your road to parenthood begins here.